On December 9, 2019 the Grant contract of the project was signed between the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration of Romania and Luncavita Village as the Lead Beneficiary.
The project’s overall objective is to improve accessibility and employability in the labor market of 360 students and high school students from Romania and Ukraine, by developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a modern labor market, flexible and dynamic through inter-institutional collaboration in education across borders.
The main activities of the project were the following: the creation of online platform e-CPO (for counselling and professional orientation) (https://www.e-cpo.com), Fe-Ro-Ua platform – for creation of virtual enterprises (https://cbc-feroua.com), production and distribution of promotional materials, organization of launching and final conferences, organization of 10 information seminars and 20 seminars on the “implementation of the innovative learning method – the practice firm and Promotion education and health campaign”, conduction of training courses, experience exchanges, as well as Practice Firms Fairs, etc for students and high school students in Odesa region and Tulcea County, etc.
During the project implementation, activities with the involvement of stakeholders were actively implemented. This project provided an opportunity to establish fruitful and close cooperation not only at the level of project partnership, but also at the institutional level between educational institutions of Odesa region and Tulcea County.
This publication/material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Izmail State University of Humanities and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 management structures.