At the university, the training of specialists is carried out according to the relevant educational and professional, educational and scientific programs at the levels of higher education, which include the award of a corresponding degree of higher education:
- Junior Bachelor
- the first (bachelor level) – Bachelor;
- the second (master level) – Master;
- the third (educational and scientific level) – Doctor of Philosophy.
A Junior Bachelor is a vocational degree obtained at the initial level (short cycle) of higher education and awarded by the University upon a degree-seeking student’s successful completion of a vocational program of study comprised of 120-150 ECTS credits.
The workload of a vocational program of study for obtaining a junior bachelor degree on the basis of a junior specialist degree is 90 credits.
A person has the right to obtain a junior bachelor degree, provided that he/she has obtained a complete secondary education.
Bachelor is a degree acquired at the First level of higher education, and is awarded by a higher education institution upon a degree-seeking student’s successful completion of an educational and professional program amounting to 240 ECTS credits.
The workload of the educational and professional program for obtaining a bachelor degree after having been awarded a relevant junior bachelor degree is 120 ECTS credits.
A person has the right to obtain a bachelor degree provided that he/she has completed a general secondary education or after having been awarded a relevant junior specialist (junior bachelor) degree.
Master is a degree acquired at the Second level of higher education, and is awarded by a higher education institution upon successful completion of a relevant educational program. A master degree is acquired through an educational and professional program. The workload of the educational and professional program for obtaining a master degree is 90 ECTS credits.
A person has the right to obtain a master degree after having been awarded a bachelor degree (an education and qualification level of a specialist).
The doctor of philosophy is an educational and, at the same time, the first degree obtained at the Third level of higher education after having been awarded a master degree. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded by a specialized academic board upon a successful completion of the corresponding educational and scientific program and public defense of the dissertation in the specialized academic board.
A person has the right to obtain a doctor of philosophy degree after having been awarded a master degree (an education and qualification level of a specialist).
List of specialties
Pedagogical faculty
- 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences (doctor of philosophy)
- 012Preschool education (junior bachelor, bachelor, master)
- 013 Primary education (bachelor, master)
- 11 Secondary education (Physical Culture) (bachelor)
- 12 Secondary education (Fine Arts) (bachelor)
- 13 Secondary education (Musical Art) (junior bachelor, bachelor)
- 05 Secondary education (Biology and Human Health) (bachelor)
- 016 Special Education (junior bachelor, bachelor)
- 017 Physical Culture and Sport (bachelor)
- 231 Social Work (bachelor)
The Faculty of Foreign Languages
- 02 Secondary education (Language and Literature (English)) (bachelor, master)
- 02 Secondary education (Language and Literature (German)) (bachelor, master)
- 02 Secondary education (Language and Literature (French)) (bachelor, master)
- 02 Secondary education (Language and Literature (Rusian)) (bachelor, master)
- 02 Secondary education (Language and Literature (Romanian)) (bachelor)
- 02 Secondary education (Language and Literature (Bulgarian)) (bachelor)
- 041 Philology (Germanic Languages and Literature (Translation included), (major is English) (bachelor, PhD)
- 043 Philology (Germanic Languages and Literature (Translation included), (major is German) (bachelor, PhD)
- 055 Philology (Romance Languages and Literature (Translation included), major is French) (bachelor, doctor of philosophy)
The Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Social Sciences
- 01 Secondary education (The Ukrainian Language and Literature) (Bachelor, Master)
- 03 Secondary education (History) (Bachelor, Master)
- 032 History and Archeology (bachelor, Master, Doctor of Philosophy)
- 01 Philology (The Ukrainian Language and Literature) (Bachelor, Master, Doctor of Philosophy)
- 053 Psychology (Bachelor, Master)
- 081 Law (Bachelor)
- 281 Public Management and Administration (Bachelor)
The Faculty of Management, Administration and Information Activity
- 04 Secondary education (Mathematics) (Bachelor)
- 09 Secondary education (Informatics) (Bachelor)
- 10 Secondary education (Labor Training and Technologies) (Bachelor, Master)
- 15 Secondary education (Natural Sciences) (Bachelor)
- 029 Information, Library and Archive Services (Junior Bachelor, Bachelor)
- 071 Accounting and Taxation (Junior Bachelor)
- 073 Management (Bachelor, Master)
- 076 Entrepreneurship, Commerce and Exchange Activities (Bachelor, Master)
- 242 Tourism (Bachelor)
- 113 Applied Mathematics (Bachelor)