Izmail State University of Humanities


Education at the University is carried out in Ukrainian and partly English. Izmail State University of Humanities has the right to train foreign citizens in basic areas (specialties). The University has created an integrated information technology infrastructure which is constantly being improved. Today Ismail State University of Humanities is a modern educational and scientific centre with a developed infrastructure, recognized scientific schools, established international relations and high potential on the way to the best European standards of higher education. Izmail State University of Humanities creates unique opportunities for self-realization of young people. The University has all the conditions for successful study, good rest, intellectual, physical and spiritual development of young people. Centre for International Education was established to improve the level of language training of foreign citizens studying at Izmail State University of Humanities. This centre provides an opportunity for foreign students of ISUH to undergo language training in order to improve the level of knowledge of Ukrainian, English, French, German and Russian. The training of foreigners is provided by highly qualified teachers and professors of the faculty of foreign languages of ISUH. In case of successful completion of the full course of theoretical and practical training and final assessment, foreign students receive certificates of the established sample.

Living conditions of foreign citizens in the hall of residence

Гуртожиток №1, Рєпіна 12/1Foreign students who study at the University live in dormitory №1. All students are provided with private rooms of the hotel type with comfortable living conditions, free access to the Internet. Each room in the dormitory is designed to accommodate 1 or 2 students. Highly professional specialists of social and psychological service of the University work with foreign citizens and help them to adapt to the living conditions in Ukraine. The University promotes a friendly attitude to people of different nationalities and religions, respect for their traditions and customs. The right to live in a dormitory of ISUH for session periods is also given to foreign students of correspondence and distance learning. In order to organize leisure of foreign students living in dormitories, a number of sports and mass, cultural and educational activities are carried out. Foreign students can use the services of swimming pools in the sports and entertainment center “DL”.


At the request of foreign students of ISUH they can have an opportunity of parallel free training according to the program of academic mobility, the program of “double diplomas” or “Erasmus+” in the European partner universities of ISUH. In addition to obtaining a diploma of ISUH, a foreign student can choose an additional specialty free of charge. The University has educational programs with teaching in English, German and French. At the request of foreign citizens they have an opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school (doctorate).


Despite the fact that Izmail State University of Humanities is one of the innovative and progressive Ukrainian universities in the Lower Danube Euroregion, tuition fees for foreign students remain low.



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