Ізмаїльський державний гуманітарний університет News – Izmail State University of Humanities

Ukrainian-Slovenian social and educational initiatives for the sustainable development of Southern Europe
Ukrainian-Slovenian social and educational initiatives for the sustainable development of Southern Europe

Izmail State University for the Humanities hosted a round table «New Vectors of Cooperation between Universities in Ukraine and Slovenia». The event was opened by the rector of the University, professor Yaroslav Kichuk, who noted the urgent role of Slovenia in strengthening the statehood of Ukraine and humanitarian support for the Ukrainian people.


In the course of the dialogue at this event, initiatives were approved that will contribute to strengthening partnership with public and governmental organizations of the Republic of Slovenia – a country that contributes in real deeds to the approach of our victorious peace.


Professor Nadezhda Kichuk, the dean of the Pedagogical Faculty, presented the existing experience and prospects for cooperation between the Izmail university community and Slovenian universities. She informed about the results of the implementation of the International Project «Mental health and psychosocial assistance to children and their families» (together with the public organization «Zhiva-Ya», the partner organization «Slovenian Philanthropy», the Humanitarian Organization for Strengthening Human Security «ITF», the Ministry of Foreign and European affairs of the Republic of Slovenia).

Izmail University becomes the co-organiser of the national day of Ukraine’s participation in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

The 4th National Participation Day “TOWARDS A GREENER, DEMOCRATIC AND RESILIENT UKRAINE” held in Frumushika-Nova Ethno-village on 15-16 May 2024 brought together about 40 participants from the Odessa Region, the Chernivtsi Region, Zakarpattia, Kyiv, Austria, and Moldova with the purpose of discussing a vision of Ukraine’s recovery and transformation, focusing on green recovery, democracy and innovative approaches to socio-economic development. As Ukraine’s recovery and transformation, and Ukraine and Moldova’s accession to the EU will be in the focus of the 11th Danube Participation Day and the 13th Annual Forum of the EUSDR in Vienna in June 2024, the preparation of a message to these major annual events, bringing together various actors of the Danube Region Strategy, has become another important aim of the 4th NPD Ukraine.


The 4th NPD Ukraine was jointly arranged by the Centre for Regional Studies, Borodino Territorial Community Council Borodinska Selyshchna Rada, Danube Civil Society Forum, and Rewilding Ukraine in cooperation with PA10 “Institutional Capacity” of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (City of Vienna), Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, Izmail State University of Humanities, ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy, and Civic Association “Agro-ecological and tourism cluster Frumushika-Nova”.

Prospects for the development of Ukrainian-Chinese relations in the south of Odessa region
Prospects for the development of Ukrainian-Chinese relations in the south of Odessa region

Izmail State University of Humanities hosted a meeting of the scientific seminar «Prospects for the development of Ukrainian-Chinese relations: economics and education (regional aspect)», during which two sections were organized.


The main speaker during the meeting of the first section was the director of the center for regional development of the Ukrainian Danube Region, candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Tourism Management of the University Vyacheslav Todorov. He introduced the participants to the peculiarities of accelerated economic growth and the transformation of the People’s Republic of China into the second economy of the world, as well as the peculiarities of its domestic and foreign policy. He focused on the peculiarities of the country’s scientific and technological progress, primarily due to the effective development of Free Economic Zones and the prospects for restoring the «Great Silk Road». Regarding the prospects for the implementation of the latest Logistics Project «East – West», participants and experts of the scientific seminar noted that the south of the Odessa region has a favorable geographical location, because it is located at the intersection of the main (southern) historical route of the territories of modern countries – India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Turkey and European countries, and the northern route – through the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. Exit to the Trans-European artery – the Danube River provides communication with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and determines the strategic importance of this region as a priority link in the system of European transport corridors. The south-western part of the Odessa region (between the Danube and Dniester Rivers) is unique, one of the most multiethnic regions in Europe.

The speech by Tetiana Stanieva, a graduate of our university in 2022, at the Association of European Border Regions conference
Tetiana Stanieva

“Good morning/afternoon, my name is Tetiana Stanieva. I’m from Ukraine. And it seems to me that today this is enough to understand who I am and what I feel at the moment. For now, this is more important than any of my other titles and achievements.

I didn’t plan to but before I start talking about my region, its pain, and its specifics and briefly describe the projects we are implementing there, I would like to talk to you seriously.

I will not repeat the news, but right now Putin did his next crime trying to annex our boarding region and this morning my friend died, he was a teacher, who went to the front line to defend his land. Yesterday in Dnipro region the Russian bomb killed one family, that moved from the town to the village hoping it is more safety there. And they all died except there dog which was looking for its owner on ruin of there houses. So we see there is no safety places in Ukraine. And yesterday they bombed humanitarian convoy, 28 people died, more than 50 are in the hospital. Just imagine, the same amount as we are here. And there are thousands of such stories. I want to honor the memory of all innocent Ukrainians with a moment of silence.


Sines the February 24, the heartbeat of my country stopped as Russia started dirty and unwarranted aggression.


On December 9, 2019 the Grant contract of the project was signed between the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration of Romania and Luncavita Village as the Lead Beneficiary.


The project’s overall objective is to improve accessibility and employability in the labor market of 360 students and high school students from Romania and Ukraine, by developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a modern labor market, flexible and dynamic through inter-institutional collaboration in education across borders.


The main activities of the project were the following: the creation of online platform e-CPO (for counselling and professional orientation) (https://www.e-cpo.com), Fe-Ro-Ua platform – for creation of virtual enterprises (https://cbc-feroua.com), production and distribution of promotional materials, organization of launching and final conferences, organization of 10 information seminars and 20 seminars on the “implementation of the innovative learning method – the practice firm and Promotion education and health campaign”, conduction of training courses, experience exchanges, as well as Practice Firms Fairs, etc for students and high school students in Odesa region and Tulcea County, etc.


During the project implementation, activities with the involvement of stakeholders were actively implemented. This project provided an opportunity to establish fruitful and close cooperation not only at the level of project partnership, but also at the institutional level between educational institutions of Odesa region and Tulcea County.


This publication/material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Izmail State University of Humanities and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 management structures.

South Ukrainian Humanitarian Hub

From the first days of the war, the administration of the Izmail State University of Humanities (ISUH) organized the work of the South Ukrainian Humanitarian Hub, which operates on the basis of our two dormitories.

The unique geographical location of Izmail and the safe situation contribute to the systematic provision of the necessary consulting and humanitarian support for potential refugees from Ukraine who transit to Moldova and Romania. We organized the provision of free accommodation, food and psychological, social, legal support for temporarily displaced persons as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war.


They are residents of the Kyiv region, Lisichansk, Mariupol, Mykolaiv, Stakhanov, Kharkiv, Kherson. We also have an opportunity to travel to the areas of active military actions to evacuate most vulnerable civilians to Izmail and host them in ISUH’s two dormitories. Thus, during last months, we hosted 498 refugees (mostly single mothers with children including orphans whose parents had their paternal right revoked) in ISUH’s two dormitories. We expect many more refugees to flee to Izmail who would need our free help and accommodation as the military actions in south Ukraine have now intensified.

Izmail State University of Humanities participates in EU project
Romania-Ukraine Eni-cross dorder cooperation

On December 9th, 2019, the Municipal Council of Lunkavita, together with the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration of Romania, signed a Grant Contract of the CBC – Practice Firms – Innovative Methodology for Professional Training and Educational Cooperation at the Bilateral Level Romania-Ukraine funded by the European Union in the framework of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020.


The Lead partner of the project is Lunkavita village, the partners are Izmail State University of Humanities, “Sf.Luca” postliceal sanitary school Tulcea and  Youth Public Organization “New European Generation”.


The project was developed within the priority of the Programme “Institutional cooperation in the educational field for increasing access to education and quality of education”. The general objective of the project is improving accessibility and employability in the labor market of 360 students and high school students from Romania and Ukraine, by developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a modern labor market, flexible and dynamic through inter-institutional collaboration in education across borders.


Requirements for admission and training
Organization of the educational process

Admission to ISUH at all educational levels is carried out on a competitive basis, regardless of the sources of funding for training on the basis of the Rules of admission to ISUH in compliance with the Conditions of admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine, approved by the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.


The organization of applicants’ admission to the institution of higher education is carried out by the Admission Committee of ISUH. All issues related to admission to higher education institutions are resolved by the Admission Committee at the meetings of the Admission Committee. The decisions of the Admission Committee are published on the official website of ISUH.


All persons receiving higher education at ISUH have equal rights and obligations.

ISUH is an educational institution with the state language of instruction. All entrance tests and competitive selections, except a foreign language test, are carried out in Ukrainian.

List of proposed programs
List of proposed programs

At the university, the training of specialists is carried out according to the relevant educational and professional, educational and scientific programs at the levels of higher education, which include the award of a corresponding degree of higher education:

  • Junior Bachelor
  • the first (bachelor level) – Bachelor;
  • the second (master  level) – Master;
  • the third (educational and scientific level) – Doctor of Philosophy.


A Junior Bachelor is a vocational degree obtained at the initial level (short cycle) of higher education and awarded by the University upon a degree-seeking student’s successful completion of a vocational program of study comprised of 120-150 ECTS credits.


The workload of a vocational program of study for obtaining  a junior bachelor degree on the basis of a junior specialist degree is 90 credits.

Academic Calendar of ISUH

The educational process schedule determines the calendar terms of terms, academic weeks, weeks of independent work, weeks of practical training, examination sessions, vacations for each academic year by a certain educational program, as well as preparation of qualification works and final certification of degree-seeking students.

The educational process schedule at the University for various forms of training, terms of training and educational training programs is annually developed by the curriculum and instruction department of the University and is approved by the academic council of the University, proceeding from the following positions